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How to design a coffee cup box

Clear product themes. Not only advertising, but the packaging design industry also needs to clarify the theme of the product. The packaging

designed according to the product theme can effectively meet the product's publicity point and cooperate with the implementation of advertising to

allow consumers to better understand the product.Round Car Tissue Holders Manufacturers

Incorporate rich emotional elements. Consumers' purchase behavior is ultimately controlled by their own emotions. When they buy, they will

carefully review the packaging to judge the brand and make a purchase decision. Erya fully integrates the humanized concept into the packaging

design, taking the convenience of the customer as the core of the design, emotionally giving consumers a kind of care, naturally leaving a good

impression in their hearts and promoting product sales.
Personalized packaging design is a design method that involves a wide range and has a large impact, whether it is on the corporate image, the

product itself, or the social effect. The shaping and expression of the packaging image has evolved to a natural and lively humanization and

organic modeling, giving the packaging individual qualities and unique styles to attract consumers. When designing the packaging box, it is

necessary to think systematically and analyze the actual situation from different angles and positions to establish and understand various factors

that should be considered.